Sunday, September 19, 2010

Special Offer

So I have been appalling in the Blog Department this week - I have been slow answering emails - and my house looks like an extreme obstacle course!! And like so many other mums I have spoken to lately all of this can be put down to the very simple, very curl torture known as Sleep Deprivation!!

My 17month old amazing baby boy has decided the last month that 4am is time to get up! And despite my best efforts to be tough I fail and he ends up in my bed watching dvds and drinking milo just so mum can have her head on a pillow for ten more mins!

Week 1 - I was tired but who isnt!

Week 2 - Went to bed a little earlier each night - made it hard to get my To Do Lists done.

Week 3 - Hmm its not ideal but I think I am getting used to four hrs sleep a night

Week 4 - WALL! And boy did I hit it!!

So when emails go unanswered for days at a time and no sewing gets done I get sad. Buy Hand is getting the most love but still much less than it needs. So if anyone has any baby sleep tips I am all ears!

But given my big focus on Time management a week ago I have decided that I have to adjust my way of doing with so that I can still get stuff achieved.

Today was a great day - lots got achieved! I am on a bit of a high so I wanted to share with all my excitement for this project and a VERY offer!!

Part of the appeal of Buy Hand will be that I will look after all the listings etc - this will ensure a level of consistency across the site but will also take some pressure off members. BUT the web developers - who have given a 6-8 week time frame on the release date so we will be LIVE before Christmas - have said they will do a certain amount of this for me while designing the page.

Given this news I want to pass on the excitement to you - SO the first five people to email me at monkeyandme.tvl@gmail and register their interest will receive their first 12 months membership for only $75 (more than 30% off)!

Now I must get back to getting all the info together for the website!!